Our Weekend Reading List: June 22nd

Sometimes there simply aren’t enough hours in the day and too many things we want to read. We become content hoarders. Stashing article, videos, and blog posts in overflowing browser tabs, reading lists, and Pocket folders.

Here are a few we plan to get to this weekend:

What Brands Need to Think About When They Take a Stand
Margaret Hoerster, @mmkearney and Ameet Sachdev @ameetsachdev, PRNews

How a Florida Utility Became the Global King of Green Power
Russell Gold, @russellgold, Wall Street Journal

Adobe Wants to Bridge the Gap Between First-and Last-Touch Attribution
Lisa Lacey, @lisalacy, Adweek

And something fun:

World Cup soccer highlights will put social media’s copyright tools to the test
Kurt Wagner, @KurtWagner8Recode