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Our Weekend Reading List: September 20th

Sometimes there simply aren’t enough hours in the day and too many things we want to read. We become content hoarders. Stashing article, videos, and blog posts in overflowing browser tabs, reading lists, and Pocket folders.

Here are a few we plan to get to this weekend:

Startups Still Love Slack But Big Companies Are Bailing
Rani Molla, @ranimolla, Recode

Making An Impression On Decision-Making CMOs
Adam Jacobson, @AdamRJacobson1, Radio + Television Business Report

Stripe Brothers Become Self-Made Irish Billionaires
Tom Metcalf & Julie Verhage, @tommetcalf123 , Bloomberg

And something a little bit alien:

Mysterious Magnetic Pulses Discovered On Mars
Robin George Andrews, @SquigglyVolcano, National Geographic