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Our Weekend Reading List: February 21st

Sometimes there simply aren’t enough hours in the day and too many things we want to read. We become content hoarders. Stashing article, videos, and blog posts in overflowing browser tabs, reading lists, and Pocket folders.

Here are a few we plan to get to this weekend:

The Human and Machine Workforce Leading Digital Transformation
Daniel Newman, @danielnewmanUV, Forbes

Wake Up, Democrats! Memes Matter in the Race to 2020
Dan Pfeiffer, @danpfeiffer, Wired

We’ve Just Seen the First Use of Deepfakes in an Indian Election Campaign
Nilesh Christopher, @NilChristopher, Vice News

And who is really writing your New Yorker articles:

Can a Machine Learn to Write for The New Yorker?
John Seabrook, The New Yorker